by administra | Feb 28, 2020 | Findings
Things we find inspiring: the back to school that no one wants to see by Sandy Hook We weren’t prepared to see the most recent Sandy Hook commercial. No one is. The subject couldn’t be more sensitive: gun violence in schools. It is that kind of commercial that creeps...
by administra | Jan 21, 2020 | Design Matters
Brand Matters You are what you wear. You see two plain white shirts for sale. The fabric is the same, the size is the same. You wouldn’t be too surprised if the manufacturer was the same, except for one little, nearly-imperceptible-difference: the shirt on the right...
by administra | Jan 21, 2020 | Design Matters
Color Matters By changing the colors, you can change the meaning. It’s incredible what can be achieved in communication, using colors. Colors awaken feelings and memories in our mind and establish connections with experiences we know. It’s up to whoever designs...
by administra | Jan 14, 2020 | Findings, Insights
Things we find inspiring: the Stabilo Boss pens highlight women that made history How many times have we heard the expression: behind a great man there is always a great woman? And how many times did we realize that behind great accomplishment there is a great woman?...
by administra | Jan 14, 2020 | Findings, Insights
Things we find inspiring: if there’s Soap, there’s Hope There are ideas that help save lives. Simple ideas that help transform a simple task into something truly vital. That’s Hope Soap’s campaign. We have the habit of not valuing small gestures and simple details. In...